Wednesday, May 24, 2023
7:00pm - 7:30pm: 7PM - Weekly 30min Prayer Night

We have dedicated every Wednesday Night to Prayer for the entire RLC Family. We will have different focus prayers each night (to be announced on the call each night). Please set out time to join us as a body in unity to pray over current events, family concerns, health, etc.

We will gather in Person & by Conference Call, if plans allow, is subject to change. We will notify you by text with any changes.

Please send your prayer requests to:, and in the subject please type: PRAYER REQUEST or you can text it to: (833) 273-6318.

Conference Call Only - You can dial in for FREE at: (202) 926-1136 using the Access Code: 176907# (make sure you hit the # sign after the code)
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